April 16, 2010


2010-4-14....Its d most precious moment in my life....^^ That day we was having Raffieqa Tort revision , as class going on..Min Xiang keep singing in class which make us think of to go to RedBox instead of getting in a boring class........

I invited Peck Ying , Esther& Vinc( their 2nd month anniversary)... while we were having lunch...Shungee told me this is d most " beautiful " timing which i can sing a song and propose at RedBox.... As they were having lunch..i was thinking which song was d most appropriate to be sang...^^...

While we reach Gurney~~we walked around gurney and I m pretending nothing gonna happen.....we went to find Esther and Vinc , buy movie ticket~~~~walk walk~~~~~^^

Finally, reached 3pm ( we booked rexBOx at 3pm).....as everybody there....we went into d climax of d day~~~....I keep searching 永邦~~~for so long which I felt a bit dissapointed d....at the end i found it also~~~haha...and I selected d song " 你是我最爱的女人 "....( before that...Min Xiang them selected lots of songs which make my song a bit behind.....) Suddenly everybody kept quite and Min Xiang passed d Mike to me..~~~haha...Finally, reach d...~~haha....

As i start to sing~~~( cz my singing skill nt very nice , a bit...haha) everybody keep quite~~~..and she is listening with her red tomato face~~~..haha....while chorus came~~ ( 你是我最深爱的女人,你拥有美丽的眼神~~你带给我幸福和快乐~~~) then d mood came d...haha...after I finished d song~~~~Esther pushed her to me~~and I HOLDED HER HAND~~~haha!!!!haha~!!! this PArt really Thx to Ryan~~~( cz i a bit " wood ”..)....oh yeah~~~~haha.....

P/S mayb due to my language contraint....i cant really describe d atmosphere with English~~~but time i really felt 幸福+快乐~~~haha......

THX To Those Who Helped Me that Day~~~~Really , Thank you~~~GuyS~~~


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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